TKD Home

“TKD Home,” an initiative by Shape Empowerment Foundation (SEF), is a campaign dedicated to bringing hope, kindness, and dignity to the homes of those in need. Through this compassionate effort, we strive to create a positive impact by supporting vulnerable individuals and families, fostering a sense of belonging, and making homes happier and healthier places to thrive. Join us in spreading warmth and care through the TKD Home campaign.

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B2B 2017

B2B 2017 was a noteworthy campaign conducted by Shape Empowerment Foundation (SEF) in 2017. This initiative aimed to foster meaningful business-to-business collaborations, promoting sustainable development, and driving positive change within the corporate sector and the communities SEF serves. Through B2B 2017, SEF forged valuable partnerships and alliances, strengthening its mission of empowerment and equity for all.

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They Need Your Help!

They need your help to make a meaningful difference in their lives and communities.